December: Rohini Sreenivasan


Ishan Saleh


During December, Rohini Sreenivasan ‘23 posted the three photos “In the Car,” “Colors on the Street,” and “Atlanta, Georgia,” which earned her the title of Contributor of the Month.

Sreenivasan has been doing photography since she was young.

“I actually figured out I enjoyed doing photography because I’m very connected to my culture, so I show my appreciation for it through a lot of forms of art. And naturally, when I used to travel a lot, I used to take a lot of photos that depicted my culture and I think it sort of developed over the years.”

Sreenivasan says that she’s motivated to post because of how unique and diverse the Dreamcatcher can be, and that she enjoys the different art forms.

“I think the Dreamcatcher is such a nice place where people can post all kinds of art, [including] different genres of art and come together [to] share their art with each other. And I like [having a] way to connect with people who share a similar interest to you but might have different ways of expressing it.”

Sreenivasan advised those who lack motivation to create pieces of art and literature like the ones seen on the Dreamcatcher. She also explains that this will help people thoroughly explore their surroundings while properly taking them in and appreciating them. Sreenivasan also encourages creatives to look at other students’ submissions for inspiration.

“I think looking at other peoples’ posts on Dreamcatcher might help because there’s such a variety of things that people [post]. But also I think, at least for me, since I do photography, that just looking around me and seeing the art around me, instead of trying to seek out art, [is a better way of capturing photos]. It’s always there around you, so just be aware of it, notice it, and appreciate it.”

“Honestly I didn’t really expect [to be Contributor of the Month], so it’s nice to hear that people appreciated my art,” Sreenivasan said.