The Literary Magazine of Westwood High School


The Literary Magazine of Westwood High School


The Literary Magazine of Westwood High School



The sky as blue as ever but somehow feeling different, I lay in the grass field listening to the
sounds of skateboards rolling and scraping on the flat rail. I began to think of how Spring Break
is really coming to an end when I hear the sound of wheels trying to cut through the grass.
“Miles, Hey man, what are you doing all the way out here? Last Spring Break as high schoolers
and you just lay in the grass come on man”. A deep raspy voice says, I turn my head to see my
friend, since forever, Benny. We’ve been together since we could walk or skate, practically the
same thing in my mind. “ Ok dude, I can’t lay here so what do you have planned instead” I say
getting up whipping the grass off my ass. “ Ok, so I have nothing planned but anything is better
than being in grass that’s probably covered in dog poop”. After hearing that I grab my board as I
skittishly look around “are you serious where? Was it anywhere near me? Stop laughing, I’m not
kidding “. I shout catching up to Benny as he maniacally laughs. We wind up catching a bite to
eat and splitting ways. On my way in I checked the mailbox to see it’s still empty. While I walk
through the door I hear in a sing-songy voice coming from the kitchen, “ I have something for
you” I look over at my mom as she waves a letter. Before any thoughts could come to mind I’m
already in the kitchen ripping open the letter, skimming through I pause. “I got in” queueing my
mother’s blood curdling scream. “I gotta go tell Kensley, I’ll be right back, promise”, I say
already at the end of the driveway. Almost to her house I see her walking her dog so I jump off
my board, grab her and spin her around. “Miles, what is going on” “I got in, we’re going to school
together” she pulls back to look me in my eyes only to hug me tighter. Just like that school was
over and Summer Break was coming to an end while Kensley and I lay on my bed she shot up
and nervousness was the only thing I could see on her face. “Uhmm Miles, I’ve been thinking.
You know college is so big and you know a place for growth and new things, maybe we should
break up to experience new things”. Tears began to fall down her face. “What do you mean,
why are you doing this now? What can I do to fix this?” Kensley begins to make her way out
sobbing. I chase after her just as the words wait come out my mouth. The door slams in my
face. Like that it’s all come to an end, the perfect college experience we planned together, now
on my own.
I spend the next few weeks moping around packing my stuff. When school started I never felt so
alone, single with no friends in such a big city. It doesn’t help that my roommate doesn’t speak
much. A month into classes everything felt so repetitive. For some reason everything felt
different though. That’s when I noticed this girl wearing all white, who is she and why have I
never seen her before. With nothing to lose when class ended, I shoveled everything in my bag
and began to make my way to her but like that she disappeared. Looking around I see a
glimpse of her copper hair flowing in the door frame making her way out. Normally, I would just
give up there and try again another day. Something about her was alluring, like I was being
pulled. I quickly tried to catch up with her at the cross walk but my sight of her was getting lost
when people began to flood the sidewalk. Just as the cross walk began to tick, counting down
and the people moved, pushing me around like crashing waves. Being pushed out onto the
crosswalk. Almost like it was destined for us to meet, the crowd splits giving me a clear view of
her. I take that first step towards her. It feels like the ground melted beneath me. I looked down
to see my foot sinking in the pavement deeper and deeper I go. I have the sudden feeling of
falling, I hit the ground and like an acid trip it starts moving beneath me. I look up to see a door
emitting some sort of light. Making my way to the door and everything then feels upside down.
Desperately making my way to the door, the floor moves backwards, I fall up to the ceiling, like
an endless death trap I’m juggled around the room. And like that I’m thrown out. Exhausted from
trying to escape what felt like an eternal trap I enjoy the breeze only to realize I’m free falling. I
begin to panic, thrashing around hoping I don’t hit the ground, that’s when what feels like arms
are grabbing me. I open my eyes expecting to see the pearly gate but I open them to the girl in
white towering over me. I sit up to find myself sitting in a field of dried up grass going on for
miles. In a shocked and dazed state I’m only able to mutter “where am I?”

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