The Literary Magazine of Westwood High School


The Literary Magazine of Westwood High School


The Literary Magazine of Westwood High School



The Dreamcatcher is a student-run literary magazine published by the Westwood Student Press at Westwood High School in Austin, Texas. All submissions are created and curated by students.


Editorial Policy

How pieces are chosen

We don’t publish pieces that aren’t school appropriate.
If you don’t see your piece published immediately, be aware that we have a planned release date so that our content is more spread out.
Any pieces can be used to be in the feature tab.



If you choose to submit your piece anonymously, we will NOT post your name or any contact information with your piece. However, we will have your email on record in case there’s any issues with your piece.
Publication is at the discretion of the editors.
As publishers, we’re allowed to decide whether or not your pieces make it to the website.


Contributor of the Month

Any active contributor on the website is automatically eligible for contributor of the month.
When a Contributor of the Month is chosen, we will pull them from class, and take a photo and write a feature story on them and their work.


Printed magazine

Any piece published on the Dreamcatcher website has the potential to be a piece in the literary magazine printed physically each year.