They Used to be the Days


Ellie Damuth '22

Winter breeze, it comes late but leaves so soon.

Either way, it leaves me in hypothermic loneliness.

The focus lies on the floor of the joy I used to have, it doses off into reminiscent wishes, keeping me far from what there is to supposedly look forward to –

For the season has one less reason for me

As the years pass away quicker than I can say,


I long for the moments of magic, fairy tales that made childhood, the lights being brighter when everyone is smiling together, with the fireplace beaming, scents and sights of the family that we see once a year.

Where it all went, I couldn’t tell you.

Perhaps it went out with the cold cracks, the snaps of the trees when winter blows its kiss farewell, stress from tangled strands of lights and broken ornaments instead of greeting them, as if old friends when holidays started sooner than they needed to, or when spending more money somehow made hearts “Merrier”.

Always a rush to get it all done, never a moment to cozy into the reasons for celebration, togetherness, or gratitude. I miss the days of wonder but resent the days of wondering when It will come back.