A long time ago I was happy. Beautiful forests surrounded me, I swam in amazing
rivers. Candy was sweet and perfect. Dogs loved me and I loved them back. Even when it
rained I danced. For the longest time however bad things got the world still shined.
Gracing me and all with its beauty. However, things always change. I know everything
changes eventually, I just didn’t think it would change this much. Just because I told
myself I would be ready didn’t mean I would. Knowing that meant nothing. Lying here
now it hurts. My mind just hurts. Not for a very long time have I seen those forests or
rivers. Over time they have all lost their shine, and my eyes have grown cloudy. Perhaps
those beautiful sights stayed that way, perhaps I just changed. Regrettably, I can’t fully
believe that. So much feels completely lost. Time after I lost it feels long and
meandering. Ugly cement buildings glare at me, and horrible cold rooms freeze me.
Vicious attacks from the lack of, the lost. Wandering from place to place, I try my best to
find what shines once more. X-rays might help, to try to see what really went wrong.
Yearning for that answer is most of what I feel now. Zombie-like I am stuck.
Years Through Letters
Sabrina Bolduc ’24
May 9, 2024
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Rayghen Peak • May 21, 2024 at 12:05 pm
The imagery in this poem makes me feel really connected to it, almost like I’m with the author. I think lots of people could be able to relate to this in different ways.
Arhaan Jafri • May 21, 2024 at 11:55 am
Wow, this poem is so beautiful! It puts an interesting perspective on their life, and talks about how life can really be.
Addy • May 20, 2024 at 9:53 am
I love the imagery used in this beautiful poem. It’s very relatable and thought-provoking.
Katelyn • May 20, 2024 at 9:51 am
this poem is sad, because it discusses how happy she use to be. Although I can’t really tell what’s going on, I think she is sick and misses how her life use to be.