Tick, tock, tick, tock. The second hand crawls by, constantly reminding me of my blunder,
the words “Girl, I warned you.” Seared into my mind. Even vampires with eternal youth aren’t
free from the embarrassment of getting stood up. First a lycan who claimed to love my “cool and
ominous presence”, then a chimera claiming to not care whether I a bat or rat, and now a
necromancer with the loveliest personality of obsessing over dead things. Frankly I don’t know
how a girl like Mel can get so lucky with her date life, I must’ve accidentally cast a luck rune on
my estate somewhere. I trace the rim of my glass with the tip of finger to try and make it look like
I planned an evening for myself. But, no matter who you are, getting stood up is as obvious as a
vampire hunter in a bar. Sticks out like a sore thumb.
News of this type of stuff moves fast, even if you rarely leave your estate. So fast, almost
as if it’s the setup to a joke, a vampire hunter walks in and takes a seat next to me. How we let
the hunters be so casual around us is beyond me. Sighing while I the glass to my lips, I stare at
the stranger next to me. “Gonna kill me?” I ask breaking the silence, a hissing sound in the
back of my throat. “Or is an illustrious vampire hunter here to make idle chit chat?” The
unfamiliar face doesn’t flinch, hyperventilate, tense muscles, no sign of fear or nerves. Just
steeled emotions, and a scent of lavender? “No, madam I have no intention of harming you or
anyone else here. If I had, you’d have found out by now,” She answers accompanied by a death
stare with a lack of, hatred? What is this huntress planning, she has to have something planned.
No hunter would let a vampire leave their sights alive. “If you still believe I’m here to
harm you, I assure you,” She starts but, shockingly, places her hand stop mine. Not in a
murderous, or malicious way, she was. Gentle, soft, slow. I don’t understand what she’s doing,
and I don’t know if I hate or like it. “I would never harm you.” She finishes, leaning towards my
face slightly fully taking my hand in hers. What is happening, am I being hit on, I can’t tell if this
is flirting or something else. “Well, I suppose I could, believe you, miss.” My voice quieter than I
wished it to be this mere mortal is making me, an immortal who’s lived through several
centuries, lose my composure. “I’m honored you give me the chance, m’lady.” She responds
while bending forward slightly and planting a kiss on the back of my hand. A shiver shoots
through my spine, and I gasp at the sudden warmth on my cold hand. “Madam, I must ask,
why are you acting so. Infatuated with me?” A wave of confusion swallowing and washing my
thoughts away. I can’t believe my nonexistent heart could flutter like this anymore. The stranger
grabs my free hand and dips me down from our seated positions slightly. “Simplest answer to
you question would be, I am infatuated with you.” My, quite literal, dead heart flutters.
This bombardment of information is so much to process, a vampire hunter has eyes for
me?! Of all things, me? “You, want me? A old, lonely, admittedly below average vampiress?
How do you expect me to even believe this insane claim?” More emotion exposing itself in my
speech than I wished, but I suppose in the heat of a moment control isn’t easily obtained. “I
don’t expect you to simply believe me,” She says while letting my hands go allowing me to
readjust my posture. “I want to show you, and make you believe me. If, you’d allow me the
chance at least.” I don’t know how to react to this, confident, forward, shamefully pretty woman’s
feelings. I mean, we had just met and all this is already happening. But, after so long of failed
attempt after failed attempt. Excitement loses meaning after centuries of life and death as
constant reminders of the two things I can never have. And as soon as I was about to give up
my search for a spark to make me feel something, this gunshot of a woman appears in my life.
Whether it be life, fate, karma, or blind luck I won’t let this final chance go easily
Stood Up
Vi ’25
October 10, 2023
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